PreMix for pet supplements


All our premixes are easy to use and developed to prevent heart problems, urinal diseases and decrease cholesterol level. Also have proved positive effects for muscle gain, performance, agility, energy, flexibility, digestion, joints and more.

More about PreMix for pet supplements

  • Ready-made premixes for the production of pet supplements

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  • Ready-made premixes for dry pet food - ready-made premixes for fortification of dry pet food – Active cat/dog, Active kitten/puppy

  • Customized premixes for fortification of dry pet food - powder blends of vitamins, minerals, compounds, amino acids, fibers, starches for dry pet food, health care snacks, pet treats, and animal food in one single, efficient, and homogenous premix dedicated for fortification of animal feed. Simplify your ingredient batching process, we can blend two ingredients or forty to produce a customized ingredient blend.

  •  Hydrocolloid solutions for wet pet food

Highly versatile hydrocolloids deliver superior functionality as gelation, suspension, emulsification, stabilization, and thickening agent. 

  • Synergic combination of single hydrocolloids: 1+1 > 2 
  • For every functionality: gel, meat emulsion, juice/gravy
  • For all applications: pouches, pates, chunks
  • Low inclusion, cost-saving 

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