Inulin / Inulin lemon Powder

Food supplement in capsules form containing the effective composition of unique patented clinically tested ingredient DNF-10 and 98% green tea extract which helps to manage appetite and hunger/ promotes feeling of satiety and as a result significant reduction of caloric intake after the first weeks of supplementation.
DNF-10 is a natural active fraction obtained after protein hydrolysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mechanism of action of DNF-10 is the regulation of the production of leptin and ghrelin which are called hormones of satiety and hunger. The benefits of the DNF-10 in the reduction of food intake have been confirmed by a lot of interventional clinical studies*.
The second active ingredient is green tea extract, which helps control body weight, supports fat oxidation and maintains normal blood glucose levels. Green tea is also known as a stimulant due to its caffeine content, so it can also give you energy.
Subjects supplemented with 500 mg of DNF-10 per day decrease their caloric intake significantly after the first weeks of supplementation. After 2 months, the daily caloric intake drops by 600 kcal.
Weight loss is significant from the first month of supplementation with DNF-10. Moreover, 100% of the weight lost is from fat mass, leading to a reduction of 6% of the fat mass ratio.
Standardized extract of green tea with antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) boost metabolism and support fat burning.
Food-based, DNF-10 is protein hydrolysate from Saccharomyces cerevisiae composed of select peptides. The benefits of the ingredient in the reduction of food intake and improvement of body composition have been confirmed with interventional clinical trials.